My Goals for the year 2010:
- see the Grand Canyon
- visit my family in MA
- be a loving, supportive, caring, and present wife (and dog mom)
- complete puppy training classes, and actually have Nova learn some things
- be a better friend, daughter, sister
- save $$ and get out of debt (can you simultaneously do these two things? I know you can, it's just not easy)
- finish up some projects in our house, things that were put on the back burner
- read more
- finish my medical coding classes & start working in that area (part time, from home)
- be happy every single day
- eat healthier & work out more - treat my body how it deserves to be treated!
- be more accepting of things I can't control, and change things I can control
- be a better listener
- make more time for the people who matter!
- savor the little things
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